repetytorium Właśnie wróciłaś z wycieczki do Londynu ,gdzie poznałaś swoja ciotke . W emilu do kolegi lub koleżanki : napisz w jakich okolicznosciach spotkalyście sie z ciotką opisz co ci sie w niej najbardziej podoba napisz jakie masz związane z nią plany na przyszły rok
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hey Mike,
How are you? i hope you're fine. I was in London with my parents. I came back yesterday. I said you. Do you remember?
My mom said me, that she has a sister there. My parents decided to visit her.She's 40 years old and they wanted to do suprise for her. I was very exicted and a little scared. She was happy and suprised. We lived at her house. My aunt live in a beautiful detached house with a small garden. I fell in love with this place.
My aunt's a very nice and polite person. I love her personality. She's very helpful. I trust her. I can tell her everything.She's like my best friend.
My aunt told me, that i can come there again, when i'll graduate my school. I want to find a job there. She said me, that she'll help me.
See you,