rekordy geograficzne Polski po angielsku.
Najwyższy szczyt położony w Polsce
Kozi wierch (2291 m n.p.m.)
Najgłębsze jezioro w Polsce Jezioro Hańcza (108,5 m)
Najwyższy punkt w Polsce Rysy w Tatrach (2499 m n.p.m.)
Najniższy punkt w Polsce okolice Raczek Elbląskich (1,8 m p.p.m.)
Najdłuższa rzeka w Polsce Wisła (1047km)
Największe jezioro w Polsce Jezioro Śniardwy (113,8 km2)
Najgłębsze jezioro w Polsce Hańcza (108,5 m głębokości)
Największa wyspa w Polsce Wyspa Wolin (265 km2)
Najdłuższy półwysep w Polsce Mierzeja Helska (43 km)
Najdłuższe molo w Polsce w Sopocie
Proszę, przetłumaczcie mi to na angielski. <3
Dziękuję i pozdrawiam.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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The highest peak is located in Poland
Goat peak (2291 m above sea level)
The deepest lake in Poland Lake Hańcza (108.5 m)
The highest point in Poland cracks in the mountains (2499 m)
The lowest point in Poland around Elbląskie Raczek (1.8 m below sea level)
The longest river in Poland, Wisla (1047km)
The largest lake in Poland Lake Maui (113.8 km2)
The deepest lake in Poland Hańcza (108.5 m depth)
The largest island in Poland Wolin Island (265 km2)
Longest peninsula Hel (43 km)
The longest wooden pier in Sopot, Poland
chyba takk
The highest peak is located in Poland
Goat peak (2291 m above sea level)
The deepest lake in Poland Lake Hańcza (108.5 m)
The highest point in Poland cracks in the mountains (2499 m)
The lowest point in Poland around Elbląskie Raczek (1.8 m below sea level)
The longest river in Poland, Wisla (1047km)
The largest lake in Poland Lake Maui (113.8 km2)
The deepest lake in Poland Hańcza (108.5 m depth)
The largest island in Poland Wolin Island (265 km2)
Longest peninsula Hel (43 km)
The longest wooden pier in Sopot, Poland