Rearrange the following words into good sentence! 1.)mango - I - two - kilos - of - need 2.)what - maam - you - do - need, - ? 3.)it - what - is - price - ? 4.)it - expensive - is - too 5.)is - wonderful - this - dress 6.)i - for - a - pair - am looking of - shoes 7.)may - bergain - i - ? 8.)lower - you - can - give - price - ? 9.)supermarket - mother - to - buy - go to - a kilo pf egg 10.)let's - market - go to - the
1. I need two kilos of mango
2. what do you need maam?
3. what price is it?
4. it is too expensive
5. this is wonderful dress
6. i am looking of pair for a shoes
7. may i bergain?
8. can you give lower price?
9. mother go to supermarket to buy a kilo of egg
10. lets go to the market
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