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Reading comprehension. Answer the question based on the related text.For no 31 -32To : Mr. JokoFrom : DirectorSubject : MeetingDate : February 5th, 2004Please attend the meeting with Mr. Roni at the Hotel Pelangi on Saturday, February 7th 2004 at the 8 A.M. on behalf of the director. Looking forward to your report upon the completion of the meeting31. Who wrote the memo?A. Mr. Joko B. GuestC. The secretary D. DirectorE. Mr. Roni(time: 2.5 minutes)32.What is the purpose of the memo?A. To ask Mr. Roni to come to the hotelB. Asking Mr. Joko to come the meetingC. Telling the director to have a meetingD. Welcoming a guest of the Hotel PelangiE. Giving information to Mr. roni(time: 3 minutes)Question 33-34This is an express checkout laneCash only.If you are purchasing more than 10 itemsOr using a credit card, please go to another lane33. Where would you see this notice?A. At a store B. On a highwayC. At a restaurant D. At a market.E. At a train station(time: 2.5 minutes)34. What can you do at the express checkout lane?A. Apply with a credit card B. Return itemsC. Pay with cash D. Asking for the seller’s serviceE. Pay with check(time: 3 minutes)35. Who may use the express checkout lane?A. Customers buying more than 10 items B. Exclusive customersC. Anyone who is in hurry D. Customers buying 10 items or fewerE. Anyone who is paying with a credit card(time: 3 minutes)Question no 36 – 40Canteen assistant wantedWe are looking for a reliable hard working person, preferably with cooking experience, to assist in the canteen of our modern expanding factory. Hours will be 8.30 am – 2 pm, Monday – Friday. We offer $6’000 p.a. plus commission $ 20 per week and good working condition. If you are that we’re looking for, please ring or write to:Mr. Brad PitP & A Ltd7th Santa Monica BLvdSacramento, Ca. Phone: 566778836. A canteen assistant will get net salary about ……. per month.A. $ 600 B. $550C. $ 680 D. $ 500E. $ 580(time: 3 minutes)37. From the advertising we know that ……….A. No experience is okay to apply B. only cook is requiredC. Only experienced applicant in cooking is required.D. only woman may applyE. Only Diploma graduate should apply (time: 3 minutes)38. According to the text, ………A. You must come to the factory for applying B. You must mail your applicationC. You have to hand over your application D. You must fax your applicationE. You can make an appointment for interview by phone(time: 3 minutes)39. We can conclude that …………………..A. You will have no break if you work there B. you can apply as a waitress thereC. You can have any courses in the morning D. you can still play every afternoon with your friendsE. Saturday and Sunday will be hard days for working(time: 3 minutes)40. The word to assist in the text has the same meaning with ………………..A. To access B. to helpC. To serve D. to payE. To get(time: 2,5 miutes)

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