October 2018 1 10 Report

read the texts and cricle the correct worlds

Humans have (1)... to become teller . The first humans ware about 120 cm tall . Now the average height has (2).. to 170cm.

Denosaurs became (3).. about 65 million years ago and befor the 1820s people didn't know that dinosaurs (4)... scientists thought that fossils of dinosaurs were from lizards, rhinoceroses , and even whales in 1842,a british scientist(5)...the world 'dinosaur'.

in the 16th century , the british , the french, the spanish,and the dutch stared ti (6)...the east coast of north america.the first(7)... was british and called jamestwown


1evolved evolution evolve

2grown grew growth

3extinct extinction extincted

4eexistence existed exist

5 created creation create

6 colonised colony colonise

7 colonise colony colonied

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