October 2018 2 96 Report
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A handshake is short ritual in which two people graps their left or right hands, often accompanied by a brief shake of the grasphed hands. it's commonly done upon meeting, parking, offering congratulation, or completing an agreement. It's purpose is to demonstrative goodwill, and possibly originated as a gesture showing that the hand holds no weapon. Men are more likely to shake hand than women, however in business situation it is considered the standard greeting for both sexes.
The are various costume surrounding handhakes, both generically and specific to certain cultures:
- Generally it is considered in appropriate to reject a handshake, and in the most social circles it is expected that the one with higher social status will initiate it.
- In some cultures people shake both hands, but in most culture people shake the right hand.
- Scots specifically use a left handshake. Since the right hand is more commonly dominant, the left hand would, typically be used in holding a shield, by shaking with the left hand, one is defenseless while trusting the other person who may still be holding a weapon in the right hand.
- Secret societiess and fraternities and sorties other use secret handshake to identy themselves as initiated brothers or sisters to outside members.
- In America culture, there is a " soul brother handshake ", also called a 'soul brother handshake', also called a 'power' or 'unity' shake, dating to the 1960s, begun among African-American men, and still widely practiced between men of various races and particularly among teenage boys and gesture of close friendship. This is usually a three move procedure , beginning with a traditional, palm to palm clasp, followed in quick succession by clasping at the hilt of the thumbs, and finally, by hooked clasp of only the fingers, in the manner of rail road couplers. Variations include the above, followed by an exchange of facing palm slaps, as in 'game five' or first bumping, tops-to-bottom, 'the face slap' or knuckles-to-knuckles.


1. A Short ritual in which two people graps their right or left hand.
2. Upon meeting, parting, offering congratulation or completing an agreement.
3. To demonstrate good will.
4. It's considered the standard greeting for both sexes.
5. Depend on the person, but usually the right hand.
6. The Right handshake is more commonly dominant
7. Secret societes, fraternities, soroties.
8. To identify themselves as initiated brother or sister to outside member.
9. Power or unity
10. - Palm to palm
- Followed in quick succession by clasping at the hilt of thumbs
- By hooked clasp of only the finger in rail rood couples
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