August 2023 2 32 Report
Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

My name's George Samson and I'm sixteen. I often write articles for the school magazine because I want to be a journalist when I leave school. Next week I'm going on my first trip as an official press reporter. I'm attending a sports event for disabled teenagers and I'm really looking forward to it. The event starts on Friday 14 May and goes on for four days. I've only got entry for the Saturday and Sunday, but I'm sure there will be lots to see. I don't want to miss out on any of the excitement! As a young journalist, I can go into all the sports halls and also the swimming pool. I'm going to take my camera, of course, and I'm allowed to take as many photos as I like - I'll probably take loods! Videos aren't allowed though There are special interview rooms where I can talk to some of the competitors. They're only open from ten in the morning until two in the afternoon, so I'll have to be well organised! There's also a special food tent where all the journalists can get free food at lunch time, so I'll be able to hang out with some professional journalists!
If you love sport, why not come along to the event? You can help out as a volunteer if you want.
Check out the website for more details and look out for my report in next month's magazine!​

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