March 2022 1 14 Report
Read texts 1 and 2. Complete text 3 in English. Use a maximum of 4 words in eachgap.TEXT 1A great way to get fit and have some fun at the same time is to join an athletics club. Youdon’t have to be a professional, most clubs are open to anyone who wants to see whatthey’re good at. Some people become really successful, they train very hard and take partin top competitions. Other people are happy with training twice a week, which is theminimum if you want to keep fit. You can work with a coach, but you don’t have to, aslong as you warm up properly before every training session so that you don’t get aninjury.TEXT 2FENCING CLUBJoin our fencing club NOW. You can be a beginner or an expert. We will help you to learnnew techniques and to become better. All you need is fencing equipment: a mask, auniform and a sabre. If you don’t have your own equipment you can use ours (althoughwe have a limited amount). Make sure you sign up NOW! We are waiting for you.TEXT 3Hi Tom,I came across two leaflets in my post box and they made me think about which one isbetter for us. Both are about (1) _________________________. The first one is notwritten by a particular club but is just (2) ____________________. The second one isfrom my local fencing club. It has classes at all levels. You don’t even need to (3)____________________________.

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