Raisa adalah seorang penyanyi berkebangsaan indonesia, dia mulai dikenal setelah membawakan lagu serba salah album pertama dia bernama raisa namanya sendiri di liris pada tahun 2011. raisa adalah penyanyi, penulis lagu, suaranya sangat merdu, dia mempunyai rambut hitam bergelombang yang panjang, dia kulitnya putih, dia tinggi, dia sangat cantik. penghargaan dan nominasi raisa.100% ampuh awards, anugrah planet musiz, dahsyatnya awards, hai reada's poll music awards, indonesian chose awards, nickelodeon indonesian, kids'chois awards, sctv music awards, yahoo omg ! awards indonesia . terjemahkan ke bahasa inggris . terimakasih sebelumnya
Raisa is an Indonesian singer, he began to be known after the song awry first album he named raisa own name in the lyrical in 2011. raisa is a singer, songwriter, very melodious voice, he has long wavy black hair, her white skin, he was tall, she was very beautiful. awards and nominations raisa.100% potent awards, grace musiz planet, the enormity of the awards, O reada's poll music awards, awards chose Indonesian, Indonesian nickelodeons, kids'chois awards, SCTV music awards, Yahoo! omg! Indonesia awards.
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tary10Raisa is an Indonesian singer , he became known as rendition awry first album he named raisa name itself in lyrical in 2011 . raisa is a singer , songwriter , very melodious voice , he has long wavy black hair , her white skin , he was tall , she was very beautiful . awards and nominations raisa.100 % potent awards , grace musiz planet , the enormity of the awards , O reada 's poll music awards , awards chose Indonesian , Indonesian nickelodeons , kids'chois awards , SCTV music awards , Yahoo! omg ! Indonesia awards . translated into English . thank you in advance
after the song awry first album he named raisa own name in the lyrical in 2011.
raisa is a singer, songwriter, very melodious voice, he has long wavy black hair, her white skin, he was tall, she was very beautiful.
awards and nominations raisa.100% potent awards, grace musiz planet, the enormity of the awards, O reada's poll music awards, awards chose Indonesian, Indonesian nickelodeons, kids'chois awards, SCTV music awards, Yahoo! omg! Indonesia awards.