Questions and Answers about Prayer Unscramble the words to answer the questions about prayer.
What is prayer?
Prayer is Praying L I N G A K T with God. Why do people pray different ways?
They Close their Eyes or S L E C O Y E E S D O L F their so they won’t be thinking about other things. S N A D H
They pray so others can hear their U T O O U L D prayers.
They down on their to show honor to T E G S N E E K God.
But you can pray in any way – silently, with your eyes open, and walking down the street! Just pray any time you think about it. When should we pray?
Pray time N A Y (Psalm 55:17)
Pray the time L L A (1 Thessalonians 5:17) What should we pray about? The Lord’s Prayer is found in Matthew 6:9-13. Sometimes people repeat it together in a worship service. It can also be used as an example prayer, to show what we should pray about.
To give to God (Matthew 6:9) N O R O H
For the we (Matthew 6:11) H N G I S T D E N E
For God to our (Matthew 6:12) G R O F E I V N I S S
To us from (Matthew 6:13) P E K E N I G N I S N
Does God Always Answer Our Prayers? God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we want or expect.
Read each verse and the sentence below it. Then work the puzzle to find out how God might answer the prayer. (Color each square with a dot in it.)
Read John 16:23. When we pray in Jesus’ name (ask for what Jesus wants), God gives us what we ask for.
God’s answer is …
Read James 4:3. When we ask for the wrong thing or for the wrong reason, God may not give us what we ask for.
God’s answer is …
Read Luke 18:1. When we pray for something and God doesn’t answer right away, we need to keep praying.
God’s answer is …
How Will God Answer? Read each story, and write “yes”, “no”, or “wait” below it.
You pray for your friend who is sick, but your friend is still sick, so you keep on praying. You ask God to give you a new bicycle because your friend has a new bicycle.
Your friend doesn’t know much about Jesus, so you ask God to help you tell your friend about Jesus. Hablo español xD
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