April 2019 1 13 Report
Qué se encuentra dentro de la cresta supraventricular (espolón de Wolff)?

A. Músculo papilar anterior (pilar anterior tricúspide).
B. Arteria septal de la descendente anterior.
C. Ramo derecho del fascículo auriculoventricular.

Desde ya, mil gracias.
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Complete the newspaper article with the Past Simple, Continuous or Perfect form of the verbs in brackets. Leo Parker, security guard Mr Parker was going (go) towards the main building when the explosion happened. I ______ (be) very lucky. I ________ (park) my car two minutes before and _______ (walk) to the office. Suddenly there was a great flash of light and then the loudest bang I have ever heard. I _______ (fell over) but I _______ (not be) hurt badly. Helena Aldridge, computer systems manager I _______ (work) at my desk and the next second I was on the floor. My boyfriend _______ (leave) the office five minutes before and I was very worried about him. At that moment my mobile ______ (ring) and I ______ (hear) his voice saying "_____ you ________ (hear) that?" That was a stupid question! Max Finkle, airline passenger I __________ (fly) into London from Canada and about a minute before the captain _______ (told) us to put on our seat belts ready for landing. I _______ (look) out of the window because I ______ (want) to see London below us. There was suddenly a big orange light north of London - it was enormous. Clara Kent, local resident Clara Kent _______ (drive) to the offices to collect her fiancé, Greg. I _______ (arrive) at 3.55 p.m. and Greg was ready so he _______ (get in) and I _______ (drive) away. As we ______ (drive) away from the building, we _______ (see) this huge white light but we _______ (not hear) the noise until a second later. Ayuda, please.

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