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Respondanme esta comprension de lectura plz: Spitting to Survive by Liana Mahoney Spit keeps our mouths moist and softens our food when we chew. Without spit in our mouths, we would have a hard time talking. We would find it even harder to swallow. But for some animals, spit works better after it has left the mouth. Some animals are experts at surviving because they are expert spitters. Llamas are animals often found in petting zoos and farms. These animals seem to like their personal space. A llama that feels threatened or annoyed will spit slimy gobs at you to get you to leave it alone. Sometimes llamas even spit on each other to steal food! This trick usually works, because llama spit includes food from the llama’s stomach, and it can be quite smelly. When a llama spits on another animal, the animal usually loses its appetite and walks away, leaving its food behind. The archer fish is a very skilled spitter. This fish is like a submarine with a loaded weapon. It takes aim and spits jets of water at insects and other small creatures to knock them into the water. Then it gulps them down quickly. To create such a forceful stream of water, an archer fish closes its gills, and uses its tongue to form a tube in its mouth. Then the fish sticks its snout out of the water and aims. Aim! Launch! Lunch! Spitting cobras are also known for their expert aim.These snakes spray poisonous venom from their fangs to protect themselves. Scientists believe that these snakes actually aim for the eyes! When the cobra’s venom gets into the eyes of an animal, the venom causes terrible pain, and even blindness. This gives the snake plenty of time to get away. Spitting is considered to be rude behavior in people. But for some animals, spitting can be a smart way to get lunch –or a clever way to avoid becoming lunch! Reading Comprehension Questions 1. List the three ways spit helps humans. I____________________________________________________________________ II____________________________________________________________________ III____________________________________________________________________ 2. Which animal creates a forceful stream of water to capture insects? a. humans b. archer fish c. spitting cobras d. llamas 3. Name two reasons a llama might choose to spit. I____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ II____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4. How does a spitting cobra use its spit to protect itself? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the author's purpose for writing this passage? a. to tell funny stories about animals b. to teach the reader how animals survive c. to express opinions about animals d. to show how animals are different Vocabulary Choose three words you do not know the meaning of and write them down and define them using pictures and words. Journal If you could have any pet in the world, what pet would you have? Explain why.
Hola nece sito que me resuelvan esta comprension de lectura plz doy 30 puntos: A Lizard with a Blue Tongue By Guy Belleranti Australia is home to some of the world’s most interesting animals. One group of lizards living on the Australian continent stands out in a colorful way— they all have blue tongues! These lizards are called blue-tongued skinks. Blue-tongued skinks are smooth- scaled reptiles with large heads, long bodies, and very short legs. They can grow up to two feet long. These peculiar animals are active during the daytime, and just like other reptiles, they regulate their body temperature by warming up in the sun and cooling down in the shade. At night, they find shelter in logs, under leaf litter, and in burrows. Female blue-tongued skinks don’t lay eggs. Instead, the soft egg sacs hatch inside their bodies and the young are born live. The babies are miniature versions of the adults. Within a few days, they’re off to fend for themselves. One of the most important daytime jobs for every blue-tongued skink is searching for food. Using its blue tongue to “smell,” it finds scrumptious foods like fruit, flowers, snails, insects, slugs, and worms. At the same time, it must watch out for predators such as large raptors, large snakes, kookaburras, and feral dogs and cats. Unlike most other lizards, this short-legged, low-to-the-ground reptile moves too slowly to outrun most predators. Still, if a blue-tongued skink is grabbed by a predator from behind, it can make an escape by allowing its own tail to fall off. Later, a new tail will regenerate, or grow back. When a blue-tongued skink is faced by a predator head-on, it has to use a different defense mechanism than losing its tail. This is because the gentle blue-tongued skink has peg-like teeth that aren't sharp enough to deliver dangerous bites. Instead the skink’s best chance of survival is to puff up its body, making itself look larger. Then, it opens its jaws, startling the predator with its bright pink mouth and long blue tongue, while hissing loudly. The bright colors it displays are a warning sign in the animal kingdom: “Keep away! I'm poisonous!” Although blue-tongued skinks really aren't poisonous, the predator doesn’t know this. Did you know that blue-tongued skinks are becoming popular pets in Australia? These unique, mild-mannered reptiles sure look a lot different than the average lizard! As the largest of all types of skinks, and one of the gentlest, it's not surprising to see why these reptiles have made their way into peoples homes—and hearts! A Lizard with a Blue Tongue By Guy Belleranti 1. According to the article, what is a disadvantage of a blue- tongued skink's body being close to the ground? a. It's body absorbs too much heat from the ground. b. It cannot quickly run away from predators. c. It has a difficult time finding food. d. It cannot fit into spaces like logs, under leaf litter, or in burrows. 2. Compared with other reptiles, the blue-tongued skink is generally more... a. gentle b. aggressive c. poisonous d. fearful 3. Describe some unique physical features of the blue-tongued skink. 4. According to the information in the article, how are blue-tongued skinks similar to mammals? a. They are warm-blooded b. They have hairs on their body c. The females give birth to live young d. They feed their young milk 5. Describe two ways the blue-tongued skink can defend itself from predators. A Lizard with a Blue Tongue By Guy Belleranti Match each vocabulary word from the reading passage with the correct definition. _____ 1. peculiar a. birds of prey _____ 2. startling b. an animal that hunts and eats other animals _____ 3. scrumptious c. to keep under control _____ 4. predator d. strange; unusual _____ 5. regulate e. to regrow a part of the body _____ 6. burrows f. frightening; catching off guard _____ 7. raptors g. extremely tiny _____ 8. miniature h. delicious; tasty _____ 9. regenerate i. untamed; wild _____ 10. feral j. tunnels or holes dug by small animals A Lizard with a Blue Tongue By Guy Belleranti In the article, “A Lizard with a Blue Tongue,” you learned that blue-tongued skinks will fool their predators into thinking they're poisonous to eat when they aren't. The brightly- colored tongues and mouths of the skinks help them to trick their predators into thinking this. Choose another species that uses a disguise, trick, or physical feature to fool its predators into staying away. Describe the species, identify a predator it might have, and explain the disguise, trick, or feature it uses to scare away the predator.

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