pytania do 3b : 1 Where does ‘Dinner in the Sky' come from? 2 Why did the author agree to take part in ‘Dinner in the Sky? 3 Why did Michelle enjoy the event? 30 Przeczytaj tekst w ćw. 3a i odpowiedz na pytania 1-3 w ćw. 3b zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. na górze jest zdj z tekstem proszę o odpowiedź Tak fast fast
1. 'Dinner in the Sky' started in Belgium over then years ago and now it's famous all over the world.
2. Author agreed to take part in 'Dinner in the Sky' because he likes experiencing new things, even if he has fear of heights.
3. Michelle said that the food was very tasty and the views were spectacular.