Puisi bahasa inggris yg kalimatnya panjang dan yang bikin terharu
"Declared" Surely the world needs Truthfulness-Forberence-Compassion, If the world understand, all will hope that Falun Dafa will be spread soon,
Surely, there is evil on the earth, If the people understood, all will be rushing away from it,
Surely, the practitioner all in the world come to bring good news, If there is no oppression in China, all will come to welcom and celebrate them,
We bring a sense of love and affection for the Civil, We do not have revenge to raise the goodness side of the Civil, We bring you all the fact of truth, We do not have tireless to proclaim the Falun Dafa,
History always be repeated and repeated, When a phenomenon of evil rush goodness .... come by, So be careful in determining the choice of Mr., On the side which Mr is favorable, that time your destiny will be determined.
Listen ..... listen..., O.. my people! Golden Roads were stretched in front of you Shake ..... and grasp my hand tightly I will show you a way how to sharpen stones become a diamond
Mystery remained a mystery, Why are many hidden secrets of the divine, Forever human would not be able to understand, Can only be understood by cultivation.
Surely the world needs Truthfulness-Forberence-Compassion,
If the world understand, all will hope that Falun Dafa will be spread soon,
Surely, there is evil on the earth,
If the people understood, all will be rushing away from it,
Surely, the practitioner all in the world come to bring good news,
If there is no oppression in China, all will come to welcom and celebrate them,
We bring a sense of love and affection for the Civil,
We do not have revenge to raise the goodness side of the Civil,
We bring you all the fact of truth,
We do not have tireless to proclaim the Falun Dafa,
History always be repeated and repeated,
When a phenomenon of evil rush goodness .... come by,
So be careful in determining the choice of Mr.,
On the side which Mr is favorable, that time your destiny will be determined.
Listen ..... listen..., O.. my people!
Golden Roads were stretched in front of you
Shake ..... and grasp my hand tightly
I will show you a way how to sharpen stones become a diamond
Mystery remained a mystery,
Why are many hidden secrets of the divine,
Forever human would not be able to understand,
Can only be understood by cultivation.
By Wiliam Blake
Earth rais'd up her head
From the darkness and drear
Her light fled:
'Stony Dread!'
And her locks cover'd with grey despair
Prison's on watry shore
Starry Jealousy does keep my den
Cold and hoar
Weeping o'er
I hear the Father of the ancient men
Selfish father of men
Cruel, jealous, selfish fear
Can delight
Chain'd in night
The virgins of youth and morning bear
Does spring hide its joy
When buds and blossoms grow?
Does the sower?
Sow by night?
Or the plowman in darkness plow?
Break this heavy chain,
That does freeze my bones around
Selfish! Vain!
Eternal bane!
That free Love with bondage bound.