January 2019 1 24 Report
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12.maślane oczy
13.świdrowate oczy

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b)oczy jasnoniebieskie
c)oczy o łagodnym,sennym,bezmyslnym wyrazie
d)oczy,ktore maja zdolnosc widzenia w ciemnosci
e)spojrzenie nerwowo kierowane w coraz to inne strony
f)bardzo dobry wzrok,bystre,przenikliwe spojrzenie
g)duże,brązowe oczy lub oczy o lagodnym,plochliwym spojrzeniu
h)wypukłe,wyłupiaste oczy
i)oczy patrzące badawczo,bystro,przenikliwie
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k)oczy osoby,ktora placze lub jest bliska placzu
l)oczy bardzo jasne i wypukle lub oczy bez wyrazu
ł)spojrzenie,wzrok przynoszący niesczęście,rzucający zły urok.
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Przetłumacz teksty-bez translatora 1Antony Gormley is a British sculptor well-known for his interest in the human body as a subject of his work. Actually, he often uses his own body as a model for iron or fiberglass casts in many of his works. One of his best-known sculptures is "the Angel of the North", a 20-metre high, still sculpture of an angel standing on a hill in Gateshead, north-east England. 2Since the late 1980s, Rachel Whiteread has been creating unusual sculptures of everyday domestic items - the empty spaces under chairs and staircases, around baths, and inside cupboards and rooms. One of the most famous of these was her first public sculpture, the award-winning House - a concrete cast of the inside of a terraced house in east London. She recently created a huge sculpture consisting of 14,000 white plastic boxes cast from ten different cardboard boxes. Whiteread also uses materials like plaster, rubber and polystyrene to define the space around or inside objects and buildings. 3For many years, prize-winning artist Chris Ofili has been using elephant dung in his paintings as a symbol of his African heritage. He also stands his paintings on elephant dung, whic he gets free of charge from London Zoo. One of his bestknown works is No Woman No cry, the title of a Bob Marley Song. The painting is a tribute to the family of Stephen Lawrence, a London teenager who was murdered by a racist gang. The boy's face can be seen in each of the crying woman's tears.

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