Niech kto zrobi mi to zadanie zad Niedawno zaprzyjaźniłeś z nową osobą napisz email do kolegi z Londynu, Wyjaśnij, jak sie poznaliscie Opisz nowego przyjaciela/przyjaciółkę Napisz jak wspólnie spędzacie czas. złe odp zgłaszam
Thanks for your last e-mail. I'm glad you're fine. I need to tell you about my new friend, that I've met a few days ago!
I've met Sonia on Saturday night at my friend's party. She asked me what drink I prefer and then we started talking about our interests. It turned out, that we have common passions.
Sonia is quite tall and slim. Her hair is black and eyes are blue. She's very ambitious and intelligent. She loves basketball like me.
We often have a great time. We go to the cinema, play basketball and we like cooking together.
Let me know how you spent last weekend. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Hi, Mike!
Thanks for your last e-mail. I'm glad you're fine. I need to tell you about my new friend, that I've met a few days ago!
I've met Sonia on Saturday night at my friend's party. She asked me what drink I prefer and then we started talking about our interests. It turned out, that we have common passions.
Sonia is quite tall and slim. Her hair is black and eyes are blue. She's very ambitious and intelligent. She loves basketball like me.
We often have a great time. We go to the cinema, play basketball and we like cooking together.
Let me know how you spent last weekend. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!