Przygotuj wypowiedzenie ustne na temat dobrych i złych stron życia w mieście. przykładowe zwroty
-a lot of shopping centers
-everything is withing your reach
-better access to educations
-much litter in the streets
-busy streets, traffic jams
- crime rate is increasing
Parę zdań przy dobrych i złych stronach :D
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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+lots of shops,
+many markets
+a SimmingPool
+exciting enough
+have a central park
+have a museum
+a lots of galleries
-dirty air
-very noisy
-too expensive
-too crowded
-too dangerous
-too dirty
A lot of shopping centers which I like
Good policy care
Good education in schools
Good set roads, no crashes
Lots of supermarkets
So much litter on the streets*
Busy streets, filled with trucks and cars
More poeple are getting killed by murders
* to ci poprawiłam