Przygotuj referat na 100-120 słów z pytań
1. Do you like polish food ?
2. Have different regions of Poland got different food? Give examples.
3. In your opinion what are the two best and two worst dishes in Poland ?
4. What food from other countries can you eat in restaurants in Poland ?
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Polish food is known worldwide. I like it very much and I am going to present it from the best side.
Every region of Poland has its own, traditional cuisine[kłizin]. For instance, at Silesia (śląsk) one can eat unique dishes, just like "karminadle", "oblaty" or "żur żeniaty". Another example can be Mazovia, where the most popular are "fafernuchy" and "Mazovia scrambled eggs". Different is cuisine of Subcarpathia,which is famous for "kacapoły" and "kruszon". The variety of traditional food is huge, but not every dish is equally tasty. In my opinion, the worst dishes in whole Poland is soup from pumpkin named "banionka" and "fafernuchy". The tastiest Polish things are "pierogi" and "bigos".
As I have already stated, there is a vaste variety of traditional polish dishes, but one can also eat food from other countries in restaurants. The most popular is Chinese and Italian cuisine - "sushi" and "spaghetti-a-la-bolognese" is found in almost every eatery.
nazwy wzięłam z internetu, większosci tych rzeczy na oczy nie widziałam :) mam nadzieję, że o to chodziło