Sharks - the common name for a group of species, genera, and even families of cartilaginous fish prey subdivision elasmobranchs, characterized by streamlined, fusiform body, heterocerkalną tail fin, gill umiejscowionymi 5-7 hole just behind the head and very sharp teeth. Many species are caught for their meat, hides and blubber. Some of them are dangerous to humans because of the possibility of being bitten - even deadly.
Sharks - the common name for a group of species, genera, and even families of cartilaginous fish prey subdivision elasmobranchs, characterized by streamlined, fusiform body, heterocerkalną tail fin, gill umiejscowionymi 5-7 hole just behind the head and very sharp teeth. Many species are caught for their meat, hides and blubber. Some of them are dangerous to humans because of the possibility of being bitten - even deadly.