Prztłumacz na język angielski tylko szybko pliss daje 25 punktów 1 łóżko stoi pod oknem 2 w jadalni jest 5 krzeseł 3 w kuchni nie ma stołu 4 szawka na książki jest pomiędzy drzwiami a ścianą 5 książki są na półce 6 kosz na śmieci jest pod biurkiem 7 w sypialni nie ma 3 łóżek 8 na strychu nie ma myszy 9 gumka do ścierania jest pod książkami 10 na biurku nie ma długopisów 11 na przeciwko drzwi jest łóżko 12 w szufladzie jest comik 13 obok klatki jest królik
1. Bed stands by the window 2. In the dinning room is five chairs 3. In the kitchen is not table 4. Bookcase is between the door and the wall 5.Books are on the shef 6. Refuse bin is under the desk 7. In the bedroom are not 3 beds 8. In the attic there is not a mouse 9. Eraser is under the books 10. On the desk there is not a pen 11. In front of the door is the bed 12. nie rozumiem zdania comik ? 13. Near the cage is a rabbi
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Bed is near window In the dining room its 5 chairs In the kitchen it isnt table Cupboard is between door and walls Books are on the shelf Wastepaper basket is under the desk In the bedroom it isnt 3 beds On attic arent any mice Rubber is under the books On the desk arent any pens Opposite the doors it is the bed In the cupboard it is hamster Next to the coop it is rabbit :)
2. In the dinning room is five chairs
3. In the kitchen is not table
4. Bookcase is between the door and the wall
5.Books are on the shef
6. Refuse bin is under the desk
7. In the bedroom are not 3 beds
8. In the attic there is not a mouse
9. Eraser is under the books
10. On the desk there is not a pen
11. In front of the door is the bed
12. nie rozumiem zdania comik ?
13. Near the cage is a rabbi
In the dining room its 5 chairs
In the kitchen it isnt table
Cupboard is between door and walls
Books are on the shelf
Wastepaper basket is under the desk
In the bedroom it isnt 3 beds
On attic arent any mice
Rubber is under the books
On the desk arent any pens
Opposite the doors it is the bed
In the cupboard it is hamster
Next to the coop it is rabbit