Przeżyłeś ostatnio nieprzyjemny incydent podczas podróży. W liście do znajomego z zagranicy: - poinformuj czym i dokąd jechałeś, - opowiedz co się stało i co wtedy robiłeś, - powiedz jakie były konsekwencje tego zdarzenia i jak sobie z nimi poradziłeś, - wyraź nadzieję że twojemu znajomemu nic takiego się nie przytrafi i udziel mu rady. Długość listu powinna wynosić od 120 do 150 słów (po angielsku)
How are you keeping? I write to you because I wan say you what happend when I arrive too my uncle. Last weekend I arrived too my uncle and I had very strange happend. I arrived by bus. When I go out by bus I see how men still women bag. So I called to the police to help this women because she was werry scared and she doesn't know what she had to do. When the police came the found thief and he had to take her this bag. I hope I never see again this accident because it was for me very hard and I don;t know too what I have to do. I advice you never travell alone because it is not very safe. I look forward heraing from you. Kisses,
How are you keeping?
I write to you because I wan say you what happend when I arrive too my uncle. Last weekend I arrived too my uncle and I had very strange happend. I arrived by bus. When I go out by bus I see how men still women bag. So I called to the police to help this women because she was werry scared and she doesn't know what she had to do. When the police came the found thief and he had to take her this bag. I hope I never see again this accident because it was for me very hard and I don;t know too what I have to do. I advice you never travell alone because it is not very safe.
I look forward heraing from you.