Przełumacz zdania na j.angielski.
1.Ruch to zdrowie, bo w zdrowym ciele zdrowy duch.
2.Jeśli skrzywdziłeś człowieka, czeka cie kara. Oko za oko, ząb za ząb.
3. Cieszmy się z tego co mamy,bo lepsze ryc niż nic.
4. Uważaj co mówisz, bo ściany mają uszy.
5.Nie wtykaj nosa w cudze sprawy żyj własnym życiem.
6. Bądź szczery bo klamstwo ma krótkie nogi.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.A move is a health, because a healthy mind in a healthy body. Write the text down in the translation.
2.If you hurt the man, is waiting cie penalty. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
3.Let us be pleased with what we have, because better ryc than nothing..
4.Think what you are saying, because walls have ears.
5.Don't stick your nose into other people's business live your own life.
6.Be sincere because klamstwo has short legs.
Myślę że , pomogłem:).
1.It health because healthy morale in healthy body.
2.If you have harmed person, waits punishment cie. Eye for eye, tooth cogfor tooth cog.
3.That let's be glad let's please from this mum have, because better figure than nothing.
4. That think(consider say, because walls have ears.
5.It live to foreign cases personal life not nose wtykaj.
6.Or be sincere because has short legs klamstwo.
myśle żę pomogłam ;d