Przełumacz na czs Past Simple.
1. Kupiłęm tamtą książkę w zeszłym tygodniu.
2. Oni mieszkali tutaj kiedy byli młodzi.
3. My nie pracowaliśmy w tej firmie 10 lat temu.
4. Wczoraj wiecyorem posyedem do kina i yobacyzem bordyo interesujcz film.
5. Moja mama nieugotowaa wcyoraj obiadau, zamowila pizze z pieczarkomi.
6. Kiedz odwiedziles najlepszego przyjaciela
7. O ktorej godzinie wczoraj zadzwonil Czarek
8.Jaki preyent doles ammie na urodyinz
9. Oni przyjechali wcyoraj do pracy . Nie oni pojechali odwiedzic swoich rodzicow.
10. czy wyslales ten list w zeszlzm tygodniu:
11. oni przyjechali wczoraj wieczorem, zjedli kolacje i poszli spac
12. oni spedzili wakacje na majorce a puzniej pojechali do austri
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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końcówka czasowników -ed lub czasownik nieregularny
1.I bought the book last week.
2.They lived here when they were young.
3.We haven't worked in this business 10 years ago.
4.I went to the cinema and saw a very interesting movie yesterday evening.
5.My mum didn't cook dinner yesterday, but she ordered a pizza with mushrooms.
6.When you visited a best friend?
7.What time yesterday called Czarek ?
9.They came to work yesterday. They went to visit his parents.
8.What a gift you gived your mum on birthday?
10.Are you sented the letter last week ?
11.They arrived last night, ate dinner and went to sleep.
12.They spent the holidays in Majorca and later went to Austria.
myśle że pomogłam:)
1. I boughtthe book last week.
2.They livedherewhen they were young.
3.We haven'tworkedin thisbusiness10 years ago.
4.Yesterday eveningI wentto the cinemaand I saw interesting movie.
5.My mom didn't cook lunchyesterday,butordered apizzawith mushrooms.
6.Whenyou visit your best friend?
7. What timeCzarekrangyesterday?
8.Whata giftyou gave your momfor her birthday?
9.Theycameto workyesterday. No, theywentto visit theirparents.
10. Did you sent theletterlast week?
11.Theyarrivedlast night,atedinnerand went tosleep.
12.Theyspent theholidays in Majorcaand latertraveledto Austria.
Liczę na naj :)