Przetłumaczyć to na JĘZYK ANGIELSKI!!
Te zdania i nic nie zmieniać!!!
Nie używać googli Chrom do przetłumaczenia!!
Bo nie uznam!!
Oto treść do Przetłu maczenia:
Na zdjęciu jest pokój.Na środku pokoju leży kolorowy dywan.Pod oknem stoi biurko.Na biurku stoi komputer.Obok biurka stoi telewizor.Pod ścianą stoi łóżko,na którym leży koc.Koło łóżka stoi lampka.Na koszu siedzi kot,który jest czarnego koloru.Koło biurka stoi regał na którym są książki.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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In the pictures of room. On the center of the room is colorful carpet. Under the window is a desk. On the desk is a computer. Next to the desk facing the TV. Under the bed facing the wall, which lies on the blanket. Bedside lamp stands. The basket sits a black cat. Circle desk is on the shelf where the books are.
On the picture is a room . On middle room lie colours a carpet . Under window stay a desk . On desk stay a computer . Next to desk stay a tv . Under wall stay a bed , which lie *koc* . Next to bed stay a lamp . on the bin sit a cat , which is black colour . Next to desk stay shelf , which are books .
There is a room in the picture. in centre of the room there is a colourful carpet.
There is a desk by the window. There is a computer on the desk. There is a television next to desk. There is a bed, on which is a blanket.
There is a lamp by bed. A black cat sits on the basket .
There is a bookshlef next to desk.