Przetłumaczyć Sądzę, iż muzyka wywiera dość duży wpływ na nasze ubranie lub fryzurę. Gdy słuchamy muzyki, utożsamiamy się z wykonawcą i zazwyczaj chcemy wyglądać podobnie jak on. Piosenkarze kreują modę, jednakże nie zawsze tak jest. Dzięki muzyce kształtujemy własne 'ja' i właśnie przez to, chcemy być niebanalni i mieć taką fryzurę, która jest oryginalna i zwracająca powszechne zainteresowanie wokół własnej osoby. Potrzebujemy tego. Potrzebujemy akceptacji społeczeństwa. Są tak odmienne gusty i guściki w modzie dotyczącej ubioru, że każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie.
I believe that music has a fairly large impact on our clothes or hairstyle. When we listen to music, we identify with the contractor and usually want to look like him. Singers are creating fashion, but not always so. The music of Frztałtujemy own 'I' and precisely because we want to be originally and have a hairstyle that is original and paying common interest around their own people. We need this. We need public acceptance. They are so varietalnne tastes of Others in the fashion clothing that has something for everyone.
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I judge, that music exerts on our clothes enough large influence or hairstyle. When we listen music, we identify with performer and we usually want to look similarly as he. Singers create fashion, yet it yes not always. We thanks to music shape own " I" and just by this, we want to be original and to have such hairstyle which is original and paying back around own person's general interest. We need this. We need the acceptance of society. So different tastes are and guściki in relating clothes fashion, that every will find for me something.
Nie jestem pewna czy dobrze.
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I think that music has a fairly large impact on our clothes or hairstyle. When we listen to music, we identify with the contractor and usually want to look like him. Singers are creating fashion, but not always so. Through music, forging their own 'I' and precisely because we want to be originally and have a hairstyle that is original and paying common interest around their own people. We need this. We need public acceptance. They are so different tastes of Others in the fashion clothing that has something for everyone.
We thanks to music shape own " I" and just by this, we want to be original and to have such hairstyle which is original and paying back around own person's general interest. We need this. We need the acceptance of society. So different tastes are and guściki in relating clothes fashion, that every will find for me something.
Nie jestem pewna czy dobrze.
Through music, forging their own 'I' and precisely because we want to be originally and have a hairstyle that is original and paying common interest around their own people. We need this. We need public acceptance. They are so different tastes of Others in the fashion clothing that has something for everyone.