August 2018 2 39 Report
Przetłumaczyć na polski

Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy
(Hey, what up girl?)
Put my glasses on, I'm out the door - I'm gonna hit this city (Let's go)
Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack
Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back
I'm talking - pedicure on our toes, toes
Trying on all our clothes, clothes
Boys blowing up our phones, phones
Drop-toping, playing our favorite cds
Pulling up to the parties
Trying to get a little bit tipsy

Don't stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, I'mma fight
'Til we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the click
But the party don't stop
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh

Ain't got a care in world, but got plenty of beer
Ain't got no money in my pocket, but I'm already here
Now, the dudes are lining up cause they hear we got swagger
But we kick 'em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger
I'm talking about - everybody getting crunk, crunk
Boys trying to touch my junk, junk
Gonna smack him if he getting too drunk, drunk
Now, now - we goin' til they kick us out, out
Or the police shut us down, down
Police shut us down, down
Po-po shut us -

DJ, you build me up
You break me down
My heart, it pounds
Yeah, you got me
With my hands up
You got me now
You gotta that sound
Yea, you got me
DJ, you build me up
You break me down
My heart, it pounds
Yeah, you got me
With my hands up
Get your hands up
Put your hands up
No, the party don't stop until I walk in

DJ, you build me up
You break me down
My heart, it pounds
Yeah, you got me
With my hands up
You got me now
You gotta that sound
Yea, you got me
DJ, you build me up
You break me down
My heart, it pounds
Yeah, you got me
With my hands up
Get your hands up
Put your hands up
No, the party don't stop until I walk in

DJ, you build me up
You break me down
My heart, it pounds
Yeah, you got me
With my hands up
You got me now
You gotta that sound
Yea, you got me
DJ, you build me up
You break me down
My heart, it pounds
Yeah, you got me
With my hands up
Get your hands up
Put your hands up
No, the party don't stop until I walk in

DJ, you build me up
You break me down
My heart, it pounds
Yeah, you got me
With my hands up
You got me now
You gotta that sound
Yea, you got me
DJ, you build me up
You break me down
My heart, it pounds
Yeah, you got me
With my hands up
Get your hands up
Put your hands up
No, the party don't stop until I walk in

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J.Słowacki "Balladyna"I. zaznacz prawidlowa odpowiedz:1. glowne zajecie bohaterek fragmentu toa. zabawa na dworskich balachb. zbieranie lesnych owocowc. praca w polud. rozmowy o strojach i fryzurach2. kirkor zapukal do drzwi chaty, bo:a. zepsol sie powoz, ktorym jechalb. zrobilo sie pozno, a okolica byla niebezpiecznac. szukal miejsca, w ktorym mogl zjesc kolacjed. chcial sprawdzic, w jakich warunkach zyja jedo poddani3. matka aliny i balladyny marzyla o tym, by jej corki:a. na zawsze zostaly przy niejb. bogato wyszly za mazc. szybko wyszly za mazd. usamodzilnily sie i opuscily dom rodzinny4. balladyna po zakonczonej pracy:a. przygotowala posilek dla matkib. sprzatala izbec. szukala grzbienia, by uczesac wlosyd. marzyla o ksieciuII odpowiedz jednym zdaniem:1. jakiej zony szukal kirkor2. ktora z corek zasugerowala mu wdowa3. czy sugestia matki byla trafna. dlaczego4. czy druga z dziewczat bylaby lepsza kandydatka na zone dla kirkora. uzasadnij swoja opinieIII cechy aliny i balladynyszczera, dobra, posepna, leniwa, pracowita, harda, zazdrosna, okrutna, naiwna, wrazliwa, nieuczciwa, wesola, falszywa, msciwa, prostolinijna, obojetna, czula.BALLADYNA:ALINA:IV wybierz jednego bohatera i podaj trzy wydarzenia, w ktorych uczestniczyla posta.V. odpowiedz1. drzew,o w ktore zostal zamieniony grabiec. (7 liter)2. tak zwracala sie do balladyny matka. (7 liter)3. jezioro goplany. (5 liter)4. imie poslanca kirkora, ktory przywiozl do zamku skrzynie. (6 liter)5. wedlug ludowej madrosci jej konsekwencja jest kara. (4 litery)6. imie pomocnika goplany. (7 liter)
Przetlumaczyc na polski You are all I can remember After all that we've been through Forever in my heart Now I'm through And June feels like November Some can't believe it's true Too long we've been apart One More Night I wanna be with you Where I wanna hold you tight It feels so right, tonight Don't leave it up to you And I think the time is right to start the fight One More Night I wanna be with you Where I wanna hold you tight It feels so right, tonight Don't leave it up to you And I think the time is right to start the fight Why can't true love be forever Why did my dream explode The day you went away Cause I won't keep the spell together I wish you well of hope And girl from yesterday One More Night I wanna be with you Where I wanna hold you tight It feels so right, tonight Don't leave it up to you And I think the time is right to start the fight One More Night I wanna be with you Where I wanna hold you tight It feels so right, tonight Don't leave it up to you And I think the time is right to start the fight You are all I can remember After all that we've been through Forever in my heart Now I'm through And June feels like November Some can't believe it's true Too long we've been apart One More Night I wanna be with you Where I wanna hold you tight It feels so right, tonight Don't leave it up to you And I think the time is right to start the fight One More Night I wanna be with you Where I wanna hold you tight It feels so right, tonight Don't leave it up to you And I think the time is right to start the fight Why can't true love be forever Why did my dream explode The day you went away Cause I won't keep the spell together I wish you well of hope And girl from yesterday One More Night I wanna be with you Where I wanna hold you tight It feels so right, tonight Don't leave it up to you And I think the time is right to start the fight One More Night I wanna be with you Where I wanna hold you tight It feels so right, tonight Don't leave it up to you And I think the time is right to start the fight

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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