Przetłumaczyć na angielski NIE Z TŁUMACZA !!!! na obrazku znajduje sie rodzina która sprząta . Tata wyprowadza psa na spacer , mama gotuje obiad . Ich córka próbuje włączyć telewizor za to ich syn siedzi na stole . W domu panuje bałagan , porożrzucane są ciuch żelazko jest włączone . Chłopak słucha muzyki na mp3 . Wszyscy są w dobrych nastrojach ...... JESZCZE RAZ POWTARZAM NIE Z TŁUMACZA BO OD RAZU ZGŁASZAM A WIEM KIEDY BĘDZIE Z TŁUMACZA !!!!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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In the picture there is a family which is cleaning up. Daddy is walking the dog, mom is cooking. Their daughter is trying to switch on the television and their son is sitting on the table. In the house there is a big mess, clothes are everywhere, iron is on. The boy is listening to music. Everybody is in good mood.
in the picture there is a familly which is cleaning up. daddy is walking the dog, mum is cooking. their doughter is trying to switch on the television and their son is sitting on the table. in the house there is a big mess, clothes are everywhere, iron is on. the bois listening to music. everybody is in good mood.