December 2018 1 7 Report
Przetłumaczy mi ktoś tekst na język polski?
1. Maybe they're watching you, listening to you or finding out where you are. How? It's all thanks to new high-tech equipment from specialist comapnies in the USA.

2. A company called BladeRunner has a jacket with a GPS system inside. It costs $500, and for $20 a month your parents can always see where you are (or where your jacket is!). But that's nothing. Do your parents want to know what tou're eating? No problem. MyNutriKids tells them what you're having for lunch at school. Do your parents want to know your exam results? GradeSpeed is a service which gives them that information. Do they want to know what online converstations you're having? IMSafer tells them. You usually arrive on time for extracurricular sports classes. But if one day you don't arrive on time, there's a service which informs your parents. And there's another service which sends them a message if you go outside a specific area.
3. So, are your parents protecting you or are they spying on you? Babies and small children need constant care and protection. But is it really important for parents to know where their teenage kids are every minute of the day? Adolescents need to take their own decisions and make their own mistakes. Mistakes are an important part of growing up, of passing from childhood to independence. We think it's important for parents to give their children the opportunity to do this.

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