Przetłumaczy mi ktoś te zdania na jeżyk angielski Moja mama gotuje obiad teraz Mój brat nie mieszka w Gdańsku Moja mama jedzie do szpitala jutro Moja ciocia zawsze pije kawe Ja nie gram w gry komputerowe nawet w tym momencie jutro ide na basen SZYBKO !!! DAJE NAJ I PODZIEKOWANIA
My mum is already cooking a dinner. My brother doesn't live in Gdańsk. My mum tomorrow go to a hospital. My auntie always drink cafe. I don't play computer games,in this moment too. (także w tym momencie) Tomorrow i go to the swimming pool.
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My mother is cooking dinner, now. My brother doesn't live in Gdansk. My mother is going to hospital tomorrow. My aunt always drinks coffee. I don't play computer games, even at the moment. I am going on swimming pool tomorrow.
My brother doesn't live in Gdańsk.
My mum tomorrow go to a hospital.
My auntie always drink cafe.
I don't play computer games,in this moment too. (także w tym momencie)
Tomorrow i go to the swimming pool.
My brother doesn't live in Gdansk.
My mother is going to hospital tomorrow.
My aunt always drinks coffee.
I don't play computer games, even at the moment.
I am going on swimming pool tomorrow.