1. Św. Walenty jest patronem zakochanych ale nie tylko , czy wiesz kogo jeszcze ? ( ludzi chorych psychicznie , chorych na epilepsje). 2. Jaką nazwę nosi słowiańskie święto zakochanych? ( sobótka obchodzone 21 na 22 czerwca) 3. Połącz w pary: Tristan i ...( Izolda) Don Kichot i ...( Dulcynea) Harry Potter i ...( Ginny) Robin Hood -...( Marion ) 4. Co to znaczy , że miłość jest platoniczna. ( pozamysłowa, przyjacielska, bezinteresowna) 6. Dokończ powiedzenie , „ stara miłość nie...” ( rdzewieje) 8. Czym św. Walenty naraził się cesarzowi rzymskiemu Klaudiuszowi? (udzielał potajemnie ślubów żołnierzom Klaudiusza, którym cesarz zabronił zawierać związki małżeńskie, gdyż uważał że żonaty mężczyzna nie jest dobrym żołnierzem) 10. Najsłynniejsi kochankowe z Verony to:... ( Romeo i Julia) 11. Kim z wykształcenia był św. Walenty? (z wykształcenia lekarzem, a z powołania duchownym) 12. Grecki Bóg miłości to... ( Eros) 13. Dokończ powiedzenie: „ Na miłość nigdy ...” ( nie jest za późno) Połącz pary: Wacław i ...( Klara) Laura i ...( Filon) Napoleon i ...( Josephine) Julia i ...( Romeo) 14. Rzymska bogini miłości to:...( Wenus) 15. Piosenka Love Me Tender śpiewana była przez:... ( Elvisa Presleya)
1. Saint valentine is associated as lover's patron, but not only. Did you know that he is also a patron to people with mental illness and those with epilepsy? 2. What is the name for slavic lover's day? It's "Sobótka" and it's celebrated on 21st and 22nd June. 3. Match the pairs: Tristan and Izolda, Don Kichot and Dulcynea, Harry Potter and Ginny, Robin Hood and Marion> 4. What does it mean that love is platonic? (extrasensory, friendly, selfless). 6. Finish the sentence: "stara miłość nie..." (rdzeweieje) // "Old love never..." (dies / gets rusty). 8. How did Saint Valentine expose himself to Roman empereo Claudius' wrath? (He provided weddings in secret to Claudius' solders, especially to those who were forbidden to marry by Claudius, because the emperor thought that married man is not a good soldier). 10. Most famous lovers of Verona are: (Rome and Juliet). 11. Who was Saint Valtnine by education? (He was a physician, but he was meant for the church by calling). 12. Greek's god of love is (Eros). 13. Finish the sentence: ".... for love" (It's never too late); match the pairs: Wacław and Klara, Laura and Filon, Napoleon nad Josephine, Julia and Romeo. 14. Roman godness of love is (Venus). 15. The song called "Love Me Tender" was originally sang by: (Elvis Presley).
2. What is the name for slavic lover's day? It's "Sobótka" and it's celebrated on 21st and 22nd June.
3. Match the pairs: Tristan and Izolda, Don Kichot and Dulcynea, Harry Potter and Ginny, Robin Hood and Marion>
4. What does it mean that love is platonic? (extrasensory, friendly, selfless).
6. Finish the sentence: "stara miłość nie..." (rdzeweieje) // "Old love never..." (dies / gets rusty).
8. How did Saint Valentine expose himself to Roman empereo Claudius' wrath? (He provided weddings in secret to Claudius' solders, especially to those who were forbidden to marry by Claudius, because the emperor thought that married man is not a good soldier).
10. Most famous lovers of Verona are: (Rome and Juliet).
11. Who was Saint Valtnine by education? (He was a physician, but he was meant for the church by calling).
12. Greek's god of love is (Eros).
13. Finish the sentence: ".... for love" (It's never too late);
match the pairs:
Wacław and Klara, Laura and Filon, Napoleon nad Josephine, Julia and Romeo.
14. Roman godness of love is (Venus).
15. The song called "Love Me Tender" was originally sang by: (Elvis Presley).