Moim zdaniem ddobrym przykłądem dla młodych ludzi jest Brian Molko.
Według mnie Brian oprócz muzyki przekazuje dużo w swoich tekstach, postawach.
Po drugie jestem zdania, ze ma to spory wpływ na ich słuchaczy, nawet na ich życie. Część z nich zaczyna szukać swojej drogi i idole pop kultury często są jakimś wzorem, nierzadko autorytetem.
Po trzecie każdy słuchając jego piosenek poczuje się lepiej.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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In my opinionddobrymexample foryoung people isBrian Molko.
To meBrianexceptprovidea lotof musicintheir texts,attitudes.
Secondly,I believethatthis isa significant influence ontheirlisteners,eventheir lives.Some of themstarts to lookhis wayandpop cultureidolsare oftenapattern, oftenauthority.
Thirdly,listening to hissongsallfeel better.
In my opinion for young people Brian Molko is a good example.
In my opinion Brian apart from the music is handing over much in his texts, attitudes.Secondly I am sentences, around a considerable influence has it to their listeners, even for their living. The part from them is starting searching for its road and pop idols of the culture are often some pattern, frequently with authority.
Thirdly everyone listening to his songs will feel better.