Round the world in eight sentences- dookoła świata w ośmiu zdania
podróż dookoła świata - raise the price around the world
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First, I`m flying from Cracow to Paris.From There, I`m travelling across France and Spain to Lizbona in a bus.Then I`m sailing to New Yourk by a ship.After that I`m travelling across United States by train. Then I`m flying from Los Angeles to Pekin.From there I`m flying to India in a ballon.After that, I`m flying to Turkey in a plane.Finally, I`m driving across Europe to Rzeszów in a car.
A to zdanie round.... to znaczy dookoła świata w ośmiu zdaniach
Trip a round the world
podróż dookoła świata - raise the price around the world
A to zdanie round.... to znaczy dookoła świata w ośmiu zdaniach