Londyński południowy brzeg Tamizy jest pulsującym życiem miejscem, z Southbank Centre w samym jego sercu. Tu odbywają sie koncerty i spektakle, które zadowolić mogą różne gusta. Mają tu siedziby galerie, biblioteka, restauracje i bary. Rozrywka i kultura jest znakiem rozpoznawczym tego miejsca.
Oxford Street :
Oxford Street – ulica znajdująca się w Londynie. Przy ulicy znajduje się ponad 300 sklepów, jest to najbardziej ruchliwa ulica handlowa w Europie.
Harrods :
Harrods - luksusowy dom towarowy na Brompton Road, w dzielnicy Knightsbridge, w Londynie. Ten sklep jest znany na całym świecie, posiada aż 7 pięter.
London's south bank of the Thames is a vibrant place, with the Southbank Center in the heart of his heart. Here are held concerts and performances, which can satisfy different tastes. Here are established galleries, a library, restaurants and bars. Leisure and culture is the hallmark of this place
Oxford Street :
Oxford Street - a street located in London. The street has more than 300 stores, is the most busy shopping street in Europe.
Harrods :
Harrods - luxury department store on Brompton Road in Knightsbridge, London. This shop is known throughout the world, has up to 7 storeys.
London's south bank of the Thames is a vibrant place, with the Southbank Center in the heart of his heart. Here are held concerts and performances, which can satisfy different tastes. Here are established galleries, a library, restaurants and bars. Leisure and culture is the hallmark of this place
Oxford Street :
Oxford Street - a street located in London. The street has more than 300 stores, is the most busy shopping street in Europe.
Harrods :
Harrods - luxury department store on Brompton Road in Knightsbridge, London. This shop is known throughout the world, has up to 7 storeys.