Przetłumaczcie mi to na język angielski: (chodzi tutaj o dokończenie historii) zależy mi na tym zeby bylo gramatycznie dobrze..)
Gdy już sie rozwiązał uciekł. Szybko zadzwonił po taksówkę . W drodze do domu zobaczył przestępców , którzy go przywiązali do krzesla i pozostawili. Rozpoznał ich . Gdy dotarł do domu opowiedział żonie całą ta historie. razem zadzwonili na policję. Mężczyzna złożył zeznania na posterunku (policji). Jednak gdy składał zeznania, przestępcy sami przyszli na policje aby sie przyznać do przestępstwa. Małżeństwo po tym wszystkim wróciło do domu. Nie mogli spać. W nocy zadzwonił telefon do mężczyzny z grożbą ze ktoś zabije jego żonę. On zadzwonił od razu na policję. Okazało sie ze to ktos pomylił numery telefonu. byli to nastolatkowie. jednak za straszenie ich rodzice dostali kare w wysokosci 20 tysiecy zlotych. Po tym wszystkim małzenstwo wyjechało do innego kraju gdzie zyli długo i szczesliwie.
Once dissolved in August escaped. Fast call a cab. By home saw the criminals, who tied him to a chair and left. Recognize them. When he reached home he told his wife that the whole story. together they called the police. The man gave testimony at the police station (the police). But when testified, the criminals themselves came to the police that they may admit to the crime. Marriage, after all returned home. They could not sleep. At night the phone rang the man with the threat that someone will kill his wife. He immediately phoned the police. Turned out that someone made a mistake with the telephone. they were teenagers. But the scare of their parents they got a penalty of 20 thousand. After all marriage emigrated to another country where he live happily ever after.
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When already came untied escaped. Quickly he phoned for a taxi. In transit home he saw criminals which tied him to the chair and they left. He recognised them. When reached home told the wife entire the one stories. together called the police. The man testified on a police station). However when he testified, criminals alone came to police in order to admit to the offence. The marriage all over it for everyone got back home. They could not sleep. At night a phone call for the man rang around threat around somebody will kill his wife. He called the police at once. It turned out around somebody confused it telephone numbers. were these are teenagers. however for frightening them parents got black in the amount of 20 thousand zlotys. All over it for everyone the married couple went to other country where they lived happily ever after.
call a cab. By
home saw the criminals, who tied him to a chair and left. Recognize them. When he reached home he told his wife that the whole story. together they called the police. The man gave testimony at the police station (the police). But when testified, the criminals themselves came to the police that they may admit to the crime. Marriage, after all returned home. They could not sleep. At night the phone rang
the man with the threat that someone will kill his wife. He immediately phoned the police. Turned out that someone made a mistake with the telephone. they were teenagers. But the scare of their parents they got a penalty of 20 thousand.
After all marriage emigrated to another country where he live happily ever after.