Przetłumaczcie mi to na angielski(tylko nie w googlach itp. tylko w miarę gramatycznie poprawnie). Przydatność analizy finansowej w ocenie kondycji finansowej przedsiębiorstwa na przykładzie Spółki Akcyjnej Kamis.
Przy dużej konkurencji na rynku, niezbędne jest ciągłe dokonywanie wyborów, która droga i jaka polityka firmy przyniesie jej największe korzyści. Aby wybory te były trafne niezbędna jest umiejętność przeprowadzenia analizy finansowej przedsiębiorstwa. W pracy przeprowadzono analizą finansową Spółki Akcyjne Kamis-Przyprawy w latach 2006-2007, dokonano oceny jej kondycji finansowej wykorzystując bilans i rachunek zysków i strat. Do tej oceny zastosowano wstępną analizę sprawozdania finansowego oraz wskaźniki rentowności, płynności finansowe, sprawności działania i zadłużenia przedsiębiorstwa.
z góry dzięki:-)
Usefulness of financial analysis in the evaluation of company's financial condition as an example Kamis Joint Stock Company.
With strong competition in the market, it is necessary to constantly make choices that way and what the company policy will bring its greatest benefits. To those choices were relevant skills necessary to perform the financial analysis company. The work was carried out financial analysis of the Company Equity Kamis-Spices in 2006-2007, an assessment of its financial condition using the balance sheet and the gains and losses. For this evaluation used a preliminary analysis of the financial statements and profitability ratios, liquidity, financial performance and business debt.
Tak jest w porządku gramatycznie i pisowni.
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Fitness of financial analysis in the estimation of financial form of enterprise on the example of Joint-stock Company Kamis.
At a large competition at the market, the continuous feasance of elections is needed, which a road and what policy of firm will bring nayvieksze of benefit to it. That those elections were well-aimed ability of leadthrough of financial analysis of enterprise is needed.It is in-process conducted by a financial analysis Joint-stock Companies of Kamis-przipravi in years 2006-2007, the estimation of its financial form is done, using balance and account of incomes and losses. To this estimation the introductory analysis of financial statement and also pointers of profitableness is applied, financial a smoothness, preparedness of action and debt of enterprise.
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Usefulness of financial analysis in the evaluation of company's financial condition as an example Kamis Joint Stock Company. With strong competition in the market, it is necessary to constantly make choices that way and what the company policy will bring its greatest benefits. For these elections were true relevant skills necessary to conduct a financial analysis company. The work was carried out financial analysis of the Company Equity Kamis-Spices in 2006-2007, an assessment of its financial condition by using the balance sheet and profit and loss account. For this evaluation used a preliminary analysis of the financial statements and profitability ratios, liquidity, financial performance and business debt.
With strong competition in the market, it is necessary to constantly make choices that way and what the company policy will bring its greatest benefits. To those choices were relevant skills necessary to perform the financial analysis company. The work was carried out financial analysis of the Company Equity Kamis-Spices in 2006-2007, an assessment of its financial condition using the balance sheet and the
gains and losses. For this evaluation used a preliminary analysis of the financial statements and profitability ratios, liquidity, financial performance and business debt.
Tak jest w porządku gramatycznie i pisowni.
At a large competition at the market, the continuous feasance of elections is needed, which a road and what policy of firm will bring nayvieksze of benefit to it. That those elections were well-aimed ability of leadthrough of financial analysis of enterprise is needed.It is in-process conducted by a financial analysis Joint-stock Companies of Kamis-przipravi in years 2006-2007, the estimation of its financial form is done, using balance and account of incomes and losses. To this estimation the introductory analysis of financial statement and also pointers of profitableness is applied, financial a smoothness, preparedness of action and debt of enterprise.
With strong competition in the market, it is necessary to constantly make choices that way and what the company policy will bring its greatest benefits. For these elections were true relevant skills necessary to conduct a financial analysis company. The work was carried out financial analysis of the Company Equity Kamis-Spices in 2006-2007, an assessment of its financial condition by using the balance sheet and profit and loss account. For this evaluation used a preliminary analysis of the financial statements and profitability ratios, liquidity, financial performance and business debt.
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