Przetłumaczcie mi to na angielski:
Pierwsze windy, napędzane siłą ludzkich mięśni lub zwierząt pociągowych, służyły do transportu materiałów budowlanych. Podobno wynalazcą w I wieku p.n.e. pierwowzoru dźwigu do przenoszenia ludzi jest rzymski architekt Vitruvius. Inne źródła podają, że podobne dźwigi około roku 50 n.e. były w pałacu Nerona, a także w Koloseum, gdzie wynosiły spore grupy gladiatorów. Z tym, że w konstrukcji tych dźwigów zastosowano również przeciwwagę jako dodatkową siłę napędową. I tak mniej więcej pracowały windy, z mniejszymi lub większymi modyfikacjami rozwiązań, aż wynaleziono silnik parowy i pojawiły się rozwiązania, napędzające urządzenia pasami transmisyjnymi i przekładniami zębatymi.
Elisha Otis ojcem współczesnej windy
Pierwowzór współczesnej windy jest dziełem amerykańskiego konstruktora Elishy Otisa. Otis pokazał swój wynalazek na Wystawie Światowej, która w Nowym Jorku odbyła się w 1853 roku. I tu dochodzimy do daty Międzynarodowego Dnia Windy - pierwszy dźwig osobowy ruszył 23 marca 1857 roku i wymagał obsługi wprawnego windziarza, żeby zatrzymywać kabinę w odpowiednim miejscu. Następnym etapem rozwoju windy był silnik elektryczny, który do windy przystosował w 1880 roku tym razem niemiecki konstruktor i wynalazca - Werner von Siemens, wielce zasłużony dla nauki w dziedzinie elektrotechniki.
Bezpieczeństwo i komfort
Jaką drogę od tamtych czasów przeszły windy, widzimy na każdym kroku. Są bezpieczne, bo mają montowane liczne systemy, hamowania, wyposażone są w wentylację lub klimatyzację, mikrofony i różne czujniki. Płynnością i szybkością poruszania zapewniają komfort przemieszczania się w górę i w dół, zachwycają designem i estetyką wykonania, montowane są nie tylko wewnątrz obiektów, ale również na zewnątrz, gdzie dzięki panoramicznym ścianom stają się oryginalnym punktem widokowym. Sterują nimi programy komputerowe, by ich praca była jak najbardziej sprawna i ekonomiczna. Wiadomo, że w nowo budowanych obiektach montowane są już tylko nowoczesne dźwigi, jednak w Polsce jeszcze w wielu budynkach jeżdżą windy - szacuje się, że jest ich ponad 40 000 - zamontowane w latach 70. i 80., które ze względu na awaryjność, archaiczność i niespełnianie obecnych standardów bezpieczeństwa są zmorą użytkowników.
Dobrze, żeby Międzynarodowy Dzień Windy przypadający 23 marca wpisali w swoje kalendarze na przykład administratorzy budynków ze starymi dźwigami. To bowiem dobry moment na refleksję o rozwoju technologicznym wind oraz na podejmowanie decyzji o ich wymianie na nowsze modele.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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The first elevator, driven by human muscle or draft animals, were used to transport building materials. Supposedly invented in the first century BC original crane for moving people is Roman architect Vitruvius. Other sources say that similar cranes around the year 50 AD were in the palace of Nero, and the Colosseum, where gladiators were a lot of groups. With this, that in the design of cranes also used as a counterweight to an additional motive power. I more or less worked as an elevator, more or less modification solutions, until the invention of the steam engine, and there are solutions, drive belt transmission equipment and transmission gear.
Elisha Otis elevators father of modern
The prototype of the modern elevator is the work of the American designer Elishy Otis. Otis demonstrated his invention at the World Exhibition, which was held in New York in 1853. And here we come to the date of the International Day for Elevators - the first lift started March 23, 1857, and require skilled manual elevator operators to stop the cab in place. The next step was the development of a lift electric motor that has adapted to the elevator in 1880, this time the German engineer and inventor - Werner von Siemens, a highly distinguished for science in the field of electrical engineering.
Safety and comfort
Which way since those days lift pass, we see at every turn. They are safe because they have installed a number of systems, including braking, are equipped with ventilation or air conditioning, microphones and various sensors. Liquidity and speed of movement for comfort of movement up and down, delight design and aesthetics, are installed not only inside the buildings, but also on the outside, where the walls are so wide an original point of view. Computer programs control them that their work was the most efficient and economical. It is known that the new buildings are fitted with modern cranes only, but in Poland, many buildings still ride the elevator - it is estimated that there are over 40 000 - fitted in the 70s and 80, which, due to failure, and failure to comply with archaic current safety standards are the bane of users.
Well, to the International Windy Day falling on March 23 typed in your calendars, for example, administrators of buildings with old cranes. It is in fact a good time to reflect on the development of wind technology and to make decisions about their replacement with newer models.
The first lifts, driven with the manpower or of draught animals, were used for a transport of building materials. Supposedly in the 1st century BC of the prototype of the lift for the transfer operation of people a Roman Vitruvius architect is an inventor. Alternative sources are giving, that lifts about year 50 AD were similar in the palace of Neron, as well as in the Coliseum, where sizeable groups took gladiators out. Where in the structure of these lifts a counterbalance as a driving additional force were also applied. Still more or less lifts worked, with smaller or bigger alterations of answers, until a steam engine was invented and answers, driving devices with transmission belts and toothed gear transmissions appeared.
Elisha Otis with father of the contemporary lift.
The prototype of the contemporary lift is work of Otis' American Elishy designer. Otis demonstrated his invention at the world fair which in New York was held in 1853. And here we are reaching the date of the International Day of the Lift - 23 March 1857 touched the first personal lift and required the service of the skilled lift attendant in order to keep the cabin in the appropriate place. Electric engines which he adapted to the lift were a next stage of the development of the lift in 1880 this time the German designer and the inventor - Werner von Siemens, highly well-deserved for the learning in the field of electrotechnology.
Safety and comfort.What road from those times lifts underwent, we can see all along the way. They are safe, because have assembled numerous systems, among others inhibitions, are equipped with the ventilation or the air-conditioning, microphones and different sensors. With the fluidity and the speed of bringing up they are ensuring the comfort of the migration up and into the bottom, are enrapturing performances with the design and aesthetics, are being assembled not only inside objects, but also outside, where thanks to panoramic walls are becoming an original beauty spot. Computer programs are steering them so that their work is like most efficient and economic. It is known that only modern lifts are already being installed in newly built objects, however in Poland in many buildings lifts are still sliding - they are estimating, that is of them above 40 000 - installed in years 70. and 80. which on account of the failure frequency, the archaic quality and not-fulfiling current safety standards are a nightmare of users.Okay, if only into their calendars for example administrators of buildings wrote down the International Day of the Lift falling to 23 March with old lifts. It because good time to reflection about the technological development of lifts and for the decision making about their exchange for the latest models.
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