Brytyjska i amerykańska aktorka. Kojarzona przede wszystkim ze słynną, nagrodzoną Oscarem kreacją Scarlett O’Hary w „Przeminęło z wiatrem”, dzięki której aż po dziś dzień jest jedną z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych aktorek w historii kina. Urodziła się jako Vivian Mary Hartley, 5 listopada 1913 roku w Darjeeling w Indiach, gdzie jako córka brytyjskiego wojskowego dorastała przez pierwsze sześć lat życia w warunkach godnych małej księżniczki. Wiek szkolny spędziła już w Europie. Studiowała aktorstwo w londyńskiej Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Jeszcze jako nastolatka po raz pierwszy wyszła za mąż, a w 1933 roku urodziła jedyne dziecko - córeczkę Susan. Początkową renomę zyskała jako aktorka teatralna, w filmach grywając od 1935 roku.Zadebiutowała w brytyjskim obrazie „The Village Squire” (1935), w tym samym roku pojawiając się też w kilku innych produkcjach.Po występie w „Wyspie w płomieniach” (1937) z udziałem przyszłego męża, Laurence’a Oliviera, roli Ofelii w scenicznej wersji „Hamleta” w jego reżyserii oraz występie u boku Roberta Taylora w „Jankesie w Oksfordzie” (1938) Alexandra Kordy, wyjechała do USA, dołączając do ukochanego, który kręcił tam wówczas „Wichrowe wzgórza”.
British and American actress. Associated primarily famous, Oscar award-winning creations Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind", which allows up to today is one of the most famous actresses in film history. Was born Vivian Mary Hartley, 5 November 1913 in Darjeeling, India, where as the daughter of the British military has increased during the first six years of his life in a decent little princess. The school has already spent in Europe. She studied acting at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art still a teenager first married, in 1933, was born only child - Daughter, Susan. Gained a reputation as a first stage actress, most notably playing in films since 1935 roku.Zadebiutowała in British painting "The Village Squire (1935), in the same year, also appeared in several other productions of the results. After the performance the" Island of Flames "(1937) with future husband Laurence Olivier, the role of Ophelia in the stage version of "Hamlet," directed and his performance alongside Robert Taylor in "Yanks, Oxford (1938), Alexander Korda, went to the USA, adding to her beloved, who shot it is" Wuthering Heights.
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klauuu96 British and american actress. First of all, with famous associated (joined), it has elapsed rewarded in (to) with wind oscar creation „ ” Scarlett O’Hary, there is one of most recognizable actress due to which (who) for today day in history of cinema (movies). It has been born as Vivian Mary Hartley, in (to) in india 5 november 1913 year Darjeeling, where as british daughter.
- Daughter, Susan. Gained a reputation as a first stage actress, most notably playing in films since 1935 roku.Zadebiutowała in British painting "The Village Squire (1935), in the same year, also appeared in several other productions of the results. After the performance the" Island of Flames "(1937) with future husband Laurence Olivier, the role of Ophelia in the stage version of "Hamlet," directed and his performance alongside Robert Taylor in "Yanks, Oxford (1938), Alexander Korda, went to the USA, adding to her beloved, who shot it is" Wuthering Heights.
British and american actress. First of all, with famous associated (joined), it has elapsed rewarded in (to) with wind oscar creation „ ” Scarlett O’Hary, there is one of most recognizable actress due to which (who) for today day in history of cinema (movies). It has been born as Vivian Mary Hartley, in (to) in india 5 november 1913 year Darjeeling, where as british daughter.
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