Przetłumaczcie mi te zdania na Angielski Daje NAJ
1.Ja znalazłem 5 złotych
2.Ona poszła do kina wczoraj
3.Ty przeczytałeś książkę
4.On napisał wiersz
5.My obejrzeliśmy film
6.Oni używali komputera
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.I found $ 5
2.She went to the cinema yesterday.
3.You read a book
4. He wrote a poem
5.We watched a movie
6.They used a computer.
1. I found 5 zlotys.
2. She went to the cinema yesterday.
3. You read a book.
4. He wrote a poem.
5. We watched a film
6. They used a computer.