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movisterpla Hi there! I know I have not written a long time ago, but the quality did not have time for it completely. I hope you can tell me a little about your plans for the holidays and as you pass the last two months of school. For me, this school year is difficult, not only because of the assessment .. Because there actually happen ups and downs. Despite this, I hope every year as a testimony of the stripe. I like my school and class. It consists of only 18 people so we're very close. Fortunately, this is not the last year of the team, because as you probably know until next year I finish school. Last month I fly very quickly. Now I have time to catch up some up, because I'm sick. [Fortunately, it's just a cold! ] a month with his class go to the amusement park on school excursions, we will also in the cinema and shopping mall. I can not live to see ! I hope I pass these relationships, from that day. And you were already on a school trip? How so, where? Ever think about who you want to in the future? I would like to have been sugar bowl. Mie own premises! Ahh would be wonderful! Anyway, nobody wants me there "wasted". Very I think about it, because a year now I have to choose something . Below is a picture of cupcakes ^ - ^