January 2019 0 11 Report
Przetłumaczcie, ale nie ze słownika z google.
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Moim ulubionym filmem jest "Harry Potter", dokładnie lubię wszystkie części.

Jest to film fantastyczny, powstał na podstawie książki znanej autorki J.K. Rowling.
Opowiada on o chłopcu-czarodzieju i jego przygodach, które dzieją się na terenie szkoły Magii i Czarodziejstwa w Hogwarcie. Harry spotyka tam dwóch przyjaciół, którzy często wpadają w tarapaty, ale zawsze udaje się z nich zwycięsko wyjść. W ostatniej części przygód Harry chcąc zabić Voldemorta ratuje magiczny jak i mugolski świat.
Według mnie film jest bardzo ciekawy oraz emocjonujący. Polecam go również do obejrzenia, gdyż jest tego warty.
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Odpowiedz krótko na pytania. 1. What exactly is vlnspired? 2. What kind of volountary work do you do? 3. How does vlnspired work? 4. How old are people who join vlnspired? 5. How many hours of work do you have to complete? 6. How do people join vlnspired? 7. Where the benefits of doing volountary work‏vb? Tekst: If you re looking for interesting ways to spend your free time, then this article is for you. 16-year-old Tom is taking part in the vinspired programme. Here he tells us a bit more about it. Vinspired is a national initiative to encourage 14 to 25-year-olds do voluntary work and help in their community. You don't win a prize, but you get a certificate when you complete 10, 50 or 100 hours of voluntary work. you never get bored because you can always take on a new challenge At the moment, I'm working towards the v50 certificate. I volunteer twice a week- I work at a youth club for disabled children on tuesday evening. Next, weekend, I'm stewarding at england's biggest music festival. It starts on Friday evening and finishes on sunday evening. I can't wait People usually do vlnspired through school or a youth group. You can find all kinds of voluntary work through the vlnspired app. It's a great where you can also log you hours-this helps you to track your progress and achieve your goals. Yes, definitely Voluntreering puts you out of comfort zone, it looks great on your CV, and it might even help you to get into university. It's great to do something you can feel proud of. Raleigh international : if you're aged 17+, you can go on an expedition to Nicaragua or Tanzania when you do voluntary work with this organisation. Learn new skills and help with community or environmental projects Crest Awards; if you invent a new gadget or make a scientific discovery, it will count towards these British Science Association awards.

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