1.On gra w koszykówkę w czwartek o 16:00.
2.My nie gramy w siatkówkę w środę.
3.Wy nie gracie w tenisa w piątki o 15:30.
4.Carl jest bramkarzem w poniedziałki i piątki.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. He is playing basketball on thursday at 4p.m.
2. We aren`t playing volleyball on Wednesday.
3. you arent playing tennis on friday at 3.30.p.m.
4. Carl is a goalkeeper on mondays and fridays
1.He plays basketball on Thursday at 4.00 a.m
2.We aren't play volleyball on Wednesday
3.You do not play tennis on fridays at 3.30 a.m
4.Carl is a goalkeeper on Mondays and Fridays