1. Czy często używasz internetu?
2. Jak często wysyłasz kartki urodzinowe?
3. Ja prawie wcale nie pisze listów
4. Jest niebezpiecznie rozmawiać z ludźmi przez internet których nie znamy
5. Często rozmawiam z moimi przyjaciółmi przez skype
6. Co robi twój przyjaciel kiedy do niego dzwonisz?
7. Często rozmawiam z dziadkami przez Facebooka
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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2. How often do you send the birthday card
3. I don't write letters at all
4. It is dangerous to talk with people from the Internet who we don't know.
5.I often talk with my friends by skype
6. What your friends do when you call to him ?
7. I often talk with my grandparents by facebook.
2. How often do you send the birthday card
3. I don't write letters at all
4. It is dangerous to talk with people from the Internet who we don't know.
5.I often talk with my friends by skype
6. What your friends do when you call to him ?
7. I often talk with my grandparents by facebook.