1 bylismy wczoraj u twojej siostry
2 ona byla w kinie
3 oni byli w grecji dwa lata temu
- We were at your sister's place yesterday.
- She was at the movies.
- They were in Greece two years ago.
1. We're yesterday at your sister's.
2. She's was in the cinema.
3. They're were in Grecja two years ago.
Nie ściągnęłam z tłumacza robiłam to na podstawie słownika polsko-angielskiego.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1 bylismy wczoraj u twojej siostry
- We were at your sister's place yesterday.
2 ona byla w kinie
- She was at the movies.
3 oni byli w grecji dwa lata temu
- They were in Greece two years ago.
1. We're yesterday at your sister's.
2. She's was in the cinema.
3. They're were in Grecja two years ago.
Nie ściągnęłam z tłumacza robiłam to na podstawie słownika polsko-angielskiego.