Przetłumacz zdania: Powinieneś nauczyć się pływać. Oni nie powinni zrobić tego. David wygrał wycieczkę do Francji. Ona zgubiła swój nowy aparat. Czy on odrobił pracę domową? Kaczka nie rozmawiała z Aleksem od wieków. Spotkałem go w zeszłą sobotę. Czy ty kiedykolwiek jadłeś włoskie jedzenie? Mój tata nie może prowadzić samochodu, ponieważ złamał rękę. Otrzymałem dziwny list wczoraj.
You should can swimming They should'nt do this. David won travel to France She finds out her new camera [Nie jestem pewien] Is he made him homework? ? I met him on last Saturday. Did you ever eat Italy food? My Dad can't drive a car, bot he broke him arm. I got strange lettter yesterday.
2 votes Thanks 1
You should learn to swim. They shouldn't do that. David won a trip to France. She lost her new camera. Did he make his homework? Duck didn't talk to Alex for ages. I met him last saturday. Have you ever ate Italian food? My dad can't drive a car because he broke his hand. I have recieved a strange letter yesterday.
They should'nt do this.
David won travel to France
She finds out her new camera [Nie jestem pewien]
Is he made him homework?
I met him on last Saturday.
Did you ever eat Italy food?
My Dad can't drive a car, bot he broke him arm.
I got strange lettter yesterday.
They shouldn't do that.
David won a trip to France.
She lost her new camera.
Did he make his homework?
Duck didn't talk to Alex for ages.
I met him last saturday.
Have you ever ate Italian food?
My dad can't drive a car because he broke his hand.
I have recieved a strange letter yesterday.