przetłumacz zdania z angielskiego na polski
moja ulubiona zabawka to miś
mam zdjęcia w albumie
ta książka jest o dinozaurach
mam kolekcję starych płyt
moja mama zbiera kapelusze
ten model jest z 1995 ten kształt jest bardzo ładny
moje komiksy są stare
ten zegarek jest bardzo cenny
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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my favourite toy is little bear
I have photographs in the album
this book is about dinosaurs
I have a collection of old plates
my mum is gathering hats
this model is from 1995 this shape is very pretty
my comic books are old
this watch is very precious
My favourite toy is a teddy bear.
I have a photos in the album.
This book is about dinosaurs.
I have a collection of old records.
My mom collects hats.
This model is from 1995
This shape is very nice.
My comics are old.
This watch is very precious.