1.Czy my odwiedzamy naszych przyjaciół 2.Czy on kupuję książki w tym sklepie 3.Czy ona je zdrowe jedzenie 4.Czy jej mama gotuje obiady w czwartek 5.Czy wasi nauczyciele zadają wiele pytań 6.Czy wasze dzieci bawią się w ogrodzie w weekendy 8.Czy twój brat uczy się angielskiego 9.Jej córka uśmiecha się dużo 10. Czy wasi przyjaciele pracują w piątki
Napisz zdania o świętach w czasie Present Simple Tense
1.Do we visit our friends? 2.Does he buy books in this shop? 3.Does she eat healthy food? 4.Does her mum cook diners Thursdays? 5.Do yours teachers ask a lot? 6.Do yours childrens play in the garden in the week - ends? 8.Does your brother learn English? 9.Her daughter smiles a lot 10.Do yours friends work in Fridays?
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1. Do we visit our friends? 2. Does he buy books in this shop? 3. Does she eat healthy food? 4. Does her mum cook dinner on Thursday? 5. Do your teachers ask a lot of questions? 6. Do your children play in the garden on weekends? 8. Does your brother learn english? 9. Her daughter smiles a lot. 10. Do your friends work on Fridays?
2.Does he buy books in this shop?
3.Does she eat healthy food?
4.Does her mum cook diners Thursdays?
5.Do yours teachers ask a lot?
6.Do yours childrens play in the garden in the week - ends?
8.Does your brother learn English?
9.Her daughter smiles a lot
10.Do yours friends work in Fridays?
2. Does he buy books in this shop?
3. Does she eat healthy food?
4. Does her mum cook dinner on Thursday?
5. Do your teachers ask a lot of questions?
6. Do your children play in the garden on weekends?
8. Does your brother learn english?
9. Her daughter smiles a lot.
10. Do your friends work on Fridays?