Przetłumacz zdania w czasie Past Simple.Otwórz do nich pytania i przeczenia.
1.On odkurzył meble wczoraj.
2.On posłuchał piosenki wczoraj.
3.Ona uprała jej ubrania w ubiegłą sobotę.
4.Oni byli na przyjęciu w ubiegłym tygodniu.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Tłumaczenie :
1. He dusted furniture yesterday.
2. He listened songs yesterday.
3. She laundered her clothes last Saturday.
4. They were at the party last week.
1. Does he dusted furniture yesterday .?
2. Does he listened songs yesterday .?
3. Does she laundered her clothes last Saturday .?
4. Was they were at the party last week .?
co do 4 nie jestem pewna .
Przeczenia :
1. He doesn't dusted furniture yesterday
2. He doesn't listened songs yesterday
3. She doesn't laundered her clothes last Saturday
4. They wasn't were at the party last week
Mam nadzieje że dobrze :)
Powinno być poprawne tłumaczenie.
1. He dusted furniture yesterday.
2. He listened songs yesterday.
3. She laundered her clothes last Saturday.
4. They were at the party last week.
1. Does he dusted furniture yesterday?
2. Does he listened songs yesterday?
3. Does she laundered her clothes last Saturday?
4. Was they were at the party last week?
1. He doesn't dusted furniture yesterday
2. He doesn't listened songs yesterday
3. She doesn't laundered her clothes last Saturday
4. They wasn't were at the party last week