Przetłumacz zdania Past simple 1.Czy byłeś w Paryżu w zeszłym miesiącu? 2.gdzie była twoja siostra w zeszłym tygodniu? 3.czy twój nauczyciel byl wczoraj w szkole? 4.Obóz był tylko dla mężczyzn 5 .Było tam duzo ludzi 6.tamte obozy byly dla całych rodzin.
1. Were you in the Paris last month? 2. Where was your sister last week? 3. Was you teacher in school yesterday? 4. A camp was only for men. 5. There were many people. 6. Those camps were for whole families
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1. Were you in Paris last month ? 2.where did your dad and sister were last week? 3.Was your teacher at school yesterday ? 4. Camp was only for guys
2. Where was your sister last week?
3. Was you teacher in school yesterday?
4. A camp was only for men.
5. There were many people.
6. Those camps were for whole families
2.where did your dad and sister were last week?
3.Was your teacher at school yesterday ?
4. Camp was only for guys