Obiad jest gotowany codziennie. Film jest oglądany wieczorem. Praca domowa jest odrabiana przez niego codziennie. Książki są zostawione na ławkach. To zostało zarejestrowane na stronie internetowej szkoły. Gdzie kawa jest uprawiana ? Gdzie rachunki są płacone? Więcej książek jest czytanych przez dziewczynki. Ziemniaki są sprzedawane na targu. Przez kogo odwiedzana jest ta strona.
Pliss daje naj !
Dinner is cooked everyday. A film is being watched in the evening. The homework is done by him everyday. Books are left on the desks. It has been recorded on school's web page. Where coffe is grown? Where bills are paid? More books are read by girls. Potatoes are sold on the market. Whom is visited this side by?
A film is being watched in the evening.
The homework is done by him everyday.
Books are left on the desks.
It has been recorded on school's web page.
Where coffe is grown?
Where bills are paid?
More books are read by girls.
Potatoes are sold on the market.
Whom is visited this side by?