Przetłumacz zdania na na j.angielski : 1.Oni odpoczywają w ogrodzie od czasu do czasu. 2.Ty mi teraz nie pomagasz. 3.Czy oni przygotowują kanapki na śniadanie? Nie, on biega na zewnątrz. 4.Spójrz, tamte dzieci bawią się z dziadkami. 5.Nasza rodzina czasami spędza wakacje nad morzem. 6.Dlaczego nie odrabiacie pracy domowej po południu? 7.Ewa zawsze tłucze stare filiżanki. 8.Czy twój nowy sąsiad zna wszystkich ludzi w miasteczku? 9.Ich krewni nie chcą zorganizować dużego przyjęcia weselnego. 10.Drzwi są zamknięte. Właśnie próbuję je otworzyć.
1 They rest in the garden from time to time. 2 You're not helping me now. 3. Did they prepare sandwiches for breakfast? No, he is running out. 4 Look, those children are playing with their grandparents. 5 Our family sometimes spend their holidays by the sea. 6 Why not homework in the afternoon? 7 Eve always beats the old cup. 8 Is your new neighbor knows all the people in the town? 9 Their relatives do not want to organize a large wedding reception. 10th The door is closed. I try to open it.
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1.Oni rest in the garden from time to time. 2.You do not help me now. 3.Czy they prepare sandwiches for breakfast? No, he is running out. 4.Spójrz, those kids can play with their grandparents .5.Nasza family sometimes spend their holidays by the sea. 6.Dlaczego no homework this afternoon? 7.Ewa always beats the old cup. 8.Does your new neighbor knows all the people in the town? 9.Ich relatives do not want to organize a large wedding reception. 10.Drzwi are closed. I try to open it.
2 You're not helping me now.
3. Did they prepare sandwiches for breakfast? No, he is running out.
4 Look, those children are playing with their grandparents.
5 Our family sometimes spend their holidays by the sea.
6 Why not homework in the afternoon?
7 Eve always beats the old cup.
8 Is your new neighbor knows all the people in the town?
9 Their relatives do not want to organize a large wedding reception.
10th The door is closed. I try to open it.
2.You do not help me now.
3.Czy they prepare sandwiches for breakfast? No, he is running out.
4.Spójrz, those kids can play with their grandparents
.5.Nasza family sometimes spend their holidays by the sea.
6.Dlaczego no homework this afternoon?
7.Ewa always beats the old cup.
8.Does your new neighbor knows all the people in the town?
9.Ich relatives do not want to organize a large wedding reception.
10.Drzwi are closed. I try to open it.